When Should ULID Not Be Used?
There are specific scenarios where using ULIDs might not be the best choice. These are high volume write systems or cryptographic requirements. Let's explore these situations in detail.
There are specific scenarios where using ULIDs might not be the best choice. These are high volume write systems or cryptographic requirements. Let's explore these situations in detail.
Compare UUID and ULID to understand their unique properties and use cases. UUID4 offer high randomness and are ideal for cryptographic purposes. ULIDs provide lexicographical sorting and readability, making them suitable for ordered data and logs. Discover which fits your needs.
Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier are lesser known in developer community. Learn about its structure, advantages, and real-world applications. ULID combines timestamps and random components for unique and sortable identifiers, making it ideal for various use-cases.